Big News! LitUp by Reese’s Book Club

I am profoundly excited to have been selected as one of six writers for the LitUp Fellowship, a program for unpublished, underrepresented women storytellers. I am immensely grateful to Reese’s Book Club, in partnership with We Need Diverse Books, for having this vision and offering this opportunity!

Writing my novel Forget Nothing has been a very long journey for me, and I am so grateful to the many teachers and fellow writers and readers who have taken the time to read my stories and novel drafts. My young self, the eight-year-old who dreamed of being a writer, believed she would write her first novel alone in a room with her mother’s electric typewriter. Fast-forward to today, and I am so grateful to have been both welcomed and challenged by so many folks along the way.

I can’t wait to meet my mentor, and I am looking forward to meeting the other LitUp Fellows! Swipe through below to meet them! Read the full press release.